
Oh wow, an ‘about’ page is an intimidating thing.

What do you need to know about me? What do I need to explain to make all my future ramblings come together into a cohesive picture? How do I explain what I seek to achieve with this blog when I’m not even sure myself yet?

I should start by telling you, my ultimate goal in life was my family. I married at 19, had my first child at 20, and my second at 22. I was going to be Supermom. I was going to kick some serious mothering backside.

But instead, when my youngest was around a year old, I started to get tired. And I’ve stayed tired. So tired I could barely lift my children. So tired I wouldn’t wake up for them in the morning. So tired that some days I just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. It’s been 11 years since the fibromyalgia started, and I feel like I’ve been asleep ever since.

Aches, pains, exhaustion. No more Supermom dreams. Life turned to coping.

I like to think I’ve done pretty well despite the fibromyalgia. Thanks to my incredible husband Marc, and a circle of fantastic friends and family, we’ve managed to raise two wonderful, helpful kids. We have a wonderful family life. We laugh, we play, we hug, they thrive.

But while they thrive, I cope. And I guess, ultimately, that’s my personal goal with this blog. To turn coping into something just one step better, despite my illness.

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